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Journey into Permaculture

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About JiP

We explore the genius, the innovation, and the resilience that is so particular to permaculture - in our backyard, and around the world.

Creating a permaculture minded homestead can be a challenge without a mentor. Go on a Journey into Permaculture every week with your guide, Vinson, permaculture enthusiast and entrepreneur, as he shares inspirational stories, books, tools, tactics, including interviews of permaculture authors, enthusiasts, influencers, and scholars. Explore in design, creation, & inspiration. Join the experience that will help you excel your endeavors in sustainability and permaculture.

This podcast is for all the homesteaders, DIYers, off grid, conservation minded, farming, gardening, teachers, and activists of sustainable movements. Those just beginning your homestead, a more independent and self-reliant life journey, or already going down the path of permaculture, this program has something for all walks of experience. 

Exclusive content only on Patreon. We also have affiliate marketing links that support the show. Thanks for supporting Journey into Permaculture!

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